When trying to decide which college or university to attend, the choice of higher education seems endless. The choice is yours, you could attend a large campus with over 20,000 students, or a smaller school with around 800. For many students, smaller is better as it is related to quality. A lot of colleges say you won’t get lost in the crowd, but at SFUCHAS, it’s really true. You’ll hear it over and over again from our current students as well as our 800+ alumni about our college and staff’s commitment and passion. SFUCHAS is a special place when it comes to the hospitality and the commitment of its staff. If SFUCHAS sounds like it is the place for you, please come join us!
Diploma Programs
Institute of Allied Health Sciences
Entry Requirements
General Instructions to Applicants
The Institute of Allied Health Sciences (IAHS) is part of the St. Francis University College of health and allied sciences (SFUCHAS). It started in 2014 by offering two diploma programmes; a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences. All the programmes are registered and recognized by the National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NACTVET), collaboratively with the Ministry of Health (MOH). The institute is recognized by the Health Laboratory Practitioner’s Council (HLPC) and Pharmacy Council (PC) as an institution that meets the standards for offering training and producing competent graduates who are able to provide medical services effectively in different healthcare settings in Tanzania. The institute uses Competency Based Education Training (CBET) systems and the latest tools in providing the best learning experiences to students and academic staff.
The Institute of Allied Health Sciences offers Ordinary Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences(DMLS) and Ordinary Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences(DPS)
Ordinary Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences(DMLS)
Entry requirements
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (4) passes in non-religious subjects including Chemistry, Biology, and Physics/Engineering Sciences. A pass in Basic Mathematics and English Language is an added advantage.
Ordinary Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences(DPS)
Entry requirements
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) Passes in non-religious Subjects including Passes in Chemistry and Biology.