Introduction SFUCHAS library
The library is an institute that every student, lecturer and researchers likely to visit frequently and regularly. This University is a Constituent College of SAUT. Sfuchas library is an academic library which equipped with up to date reading resources and specializing in the Medical and Health disciplines. The library is largely an open access and can accommodate more than 100 users at once, with a total of 4120 hard copies of books, e-resources such as Hinari, Sage Open, Pubmed Central, PLOS Medicine, etc linked in university website.
In our library we have computers whereby library users can access e-resources via internet, inside and outside of campus.
Our Objectives
The objectives of SFUCHAS library is to support and facilitate teaching and learning, research and administrative activities of the university by providing quality and sufficient service in health and other information for students, researchers and Lecturers.
The vision of SFUCHAS library is to become a world class information resource centre specializing in comprehensive medical and health related information for varsity library users.
The mission of SFUCHAS library is to provide quality and comprehensive information services that enhance student centered learning, facilitate teaching and research, and delivery of quality services to communities in Tanzania, the Regional and the World at large.
Library Staff members
Neema Mushi (HoD Library)
Hellen Majinge (Assistant HoD Library)
Anna Kunambi
Sr. Janeth Mgutu
Gerald Makoti
Zuhari Dongwala
Assistant Librarian Trainee
Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Management
Library Officer Trainee II
Bachelor of Library and Information Management
Senior Library Assistant III
Diploma in Library, Record and Information Studies
Library Officer Trainee III
Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies
Library Assintant II
Diploma in Library, Record and Information Studies
Record Management Assistant-I
Diploma in Library, Record and Information Studies
Library Opening Hours
Library Opening Hours
Library Services
Monday – Friday
08:00am – 10:00pm
1:00pm – 2:00pm (Lunch Time)
Saturday and Public Holidays 08:00am – 1:00pm
- Reference services
- Cataloguing and Classification services
- Internet services
- Circulation (charging and discharging)
- Training library users on using library resources
- Stock taking
- Newspapers