A word from Chairperson
“In the crucible of discipline, forged with diligence, excellence emerges as the hallmark of true achievement, and that is where we rise and shine”

To promote the learning experience of pharmaceutical nature and henceforth provide the newly qualified pharmacist with the basis of pharmaceutically oriented interactions amongst themselves, other members of the health cadre, and our clients, the patients.
To promote love and respect for learning, the pursuit of truth, and to ensure that every student understands his or her responsibility to educate himself or herself to the best of his or her capabilities and to search knowledge for the betterment of mankind, and in so doing, cherish and promote academic freedom.
TAPSA’s most notable objective is to seek recognition of pharmaceutical students among fellow health professionals, students, and the Public at large; we humbly welcome all of you to St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences; to the pharmacy department and to TAPSA, where “pharmacy students meet, touch and influence the society”.